About Us
We are a non-profit group dedicated to community improvement through volunteer service. The purpose of the ROWC when it was founded in 1902:
• Help extend the blessings of homes into community life
• Open wide the doors of opportunity for women
• Ensure a sound body for every child
• Eliminate illiteracy while promoting general happiness and prosperity
Today in the 21st Century, we continue to try to live up to those ideals by:
• Promoting good citizenship
• Supporting education
• Promoting and participating in civic activities
ROWC is a part of the General Federation of Women’s Clubs, which was founded in 1890.
The aim of ROWC is:
Help extend the blessings of homes into community life.
Open wide the doors of opportunity for women.
Ensure a sound body for every child.
Eliminate illiteracy.
Promote general happiness and prosperity
Make human life safe.
Our Pledge
Holding worthy of loyalty my membership in the Royal Oak Woman’s Club, I will sustain its good work and guard its reputation.
What a Woman’s Club should be...
A place where kindly thought is cherished,
Where high ideals are fed and nourished,
Where charity in all its beauty
Is felt to be a sacred duty
Where peace and harmony abound
And members meet on common ground.
The Royal Oak Woman’s Club means so many different things to its members. It’s a way to give back to the community or to engage in the community, and for others it’s the priceless bonds of friendships that have spanned decades. As a group, we come together to support the community and each other. We are the many faces of Royal Oak.
The ROWC is not just a building. Today, it’s a group of over 120 remarkable women who continue to make a difference through volunteering and friendship. We hope you will support us as we continue our legacy of good will, good friendship and good works!
Become a Member
Make new friends, develop leadership skills, utilize your talents to their fullest, increase your knowledge, or assist in community improvement.